Friday, July 13, 2012

You Are Not Alone

One of the first things I realized is that I need support.  I can’t do this alone.  I need my family and I need my church.  But I also need others who can relate.

It didn’t take long to discover such a place on Facebook, “Air Force Moms Support.”  Immediately after posting that my son would be leaving August 7th, I received lots of encouragement and advice.

You see…I think only another military mom can truly relate to what I am feeling.  Believe me; I know that leaving for college or entering the workforce after high school is a big deal.  I still have two other children who will one day do this.

But it is hard to hear another mom say, “I know how you feel.”  Not when your child will only be a couple of hours away, while mine is nearly 1,000 miles away.  Not when you know your child will be able to come home for the holidays and summer, while the only guarantee I have right now is seeing my son after he graduates basic training and then who knows when.

It’s not that I don’t feel for those moms whose children are leaving for college…just please don’t tell me you know how I feel.  I appreciate the empathy and the encouragement but I think only another military mom can really get it.

So if you are a military mom, my suggestion is not try and muddle through this on your own.  Find a support group, online or in person.  Just know that you are not alone.


  1. Oh I know this journey all too well! I've since been through a deployment and soon my son heads to Japan for 2 years.

    1. That must be so hard, for your child to be so far away for that long. I sure hope this gets easier!

  2. Well said and totally appreciate it. Being a navy wife was hard but when my son left for the Airforce its alot harder to deal with. My son is no longer in the states, he and his wife are now in Japan. Totally different time zones so its hard. I'm so proud of him. Love your post, thanks again, April Buchman

    1. Thank you April. I feel your pride. I think it's having that which softens the hurt of separation.
